Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Wowz~ Even blogger has a new outlook~ nice one blogger~ Keep it up~ Aniwae,juz blogging about training~ Firzly,it turned out pretty well considering the fact that we trained first touch pretty well especially during monkey or wad we call "pig-in-the-middle" However,some of the training methods have to be revised.
First,Shooting. It is too complicated and the shooter and dribbler tend to get confused. It also doesnt allow the shooter much freedom to select what kind of shots~ so the bez would be a simple pass from the right to the shooter running to the middle. then the shooter shoots aniwae he likez while the passer runs to collect his shot behind the goalie. the shooter then takeover the role of passer and it goes on and on~ This is pretty fast paced so it helps to increase pace as well as stamina~
Second,4 on 4 matches is scrapped~ too many people prevents creativity on a small pitch~ It shall now be 3 on 3~ no more no less~ subs shall be on the substitution zonez to practise b4 the league.
Third, dribbling should be done from a simple level to a hard level. putting cones and asking ppl juz to dribble ard is very hard. ppl can't juz dribble round 9 ppl(cones) in one trg ryt? I'll probably think tiz out sooner or later depending on the level.
Other than those stated above,everiting was great~ Chill out guyz~ there's abt 8 trgz to go~ Adioz Amigoz~
KewL lead the SPFB team
at 12:21 PM
Mohd Akil