Saturday, July 10, 2004
Tiredness~ When is it gonna end? Am I gonna have enough rest somedae or sumtym in the future? zzzzz~ or am i juz lazy? Or issit i'm afraid to face life as it goes on such a frantic pace itz almoz a blur? zzzzz~ Can my mind ever stop tinking? or maybe take a break and juz dun tink abt aniting? everything oso wan to tink even seeing an ant would bring about comments and opinions~ lolz~
well,thoughtz aside, my left eye is kinda sore~ not a bad kind of sore juz plain sore~ it gets red on the bottom part of my eye and gets reallie irritating~ duno y itz lyk tat tho~ dun tink itz due to the "washing of eyes" in sp ryt? lolz~ no tym for tat lahz~ Floorball IVP coming up damn soon in abt 2 mthz in September~ thatz damn fast after the league ends~ gotta maintain and possibly increase our stamina and organisation for the IVP~ hmm..greece-like would be our preferred play but we'll c in the upcoming trainingz~ If all goes well,we should haf a strong team made up of three lines which are strong enuf for the IVP~
hmm...oh yeah,todae's the game between SP Mustangs and TEAM ITE~ Who will win? wakhakhakhakhakhakhakha~ The one with the most desire will win~ And that is........................SP MUSTANGS! come on! support the MUSTANGS! VORVA or FORZA SP MUSTANGS! (vorva is victory,forza is forward) so i guess backword is borza~ lolz~
adioz amigoz~ ;)
KewL lead the SPFB team
at 12:25 PM
Mohd Akil