Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Juz came back from Moosemen trg, and it seems i reallie need to have lotsa sleep coz i'm tremendously low on energy. Halfway through training and i'm already panting and getting giddy alredy.And another thing, I wanna be tall!!!!
Reasons for wanting to be tall:
-To reach those raking cross-court passes when i bend both my knees and neck.
-To not get elbowed in my face,specs or the back of my neck.
-To be a physical threat to opposing defenders and strikers.
I wanna be tall! How? I duno but one way is to drink milk and get lotsa calcium. Maybe jump up and down more too. What else can i do?
Another thing i gotta get used to is the different defence of moosemen and SP's very own defence style. I always seem to be at fault for goals because someone comes in on the blind side and the closest i could get to him was about one stick away. Sianz.
As for school, i can go bonkers with the amount of "trash" reports i have to do which sometymz doesnt make much sense to me and tests which are reallie gd but keeps on increasing my stress level. Sianz.
Sleep....come to me....zzzz.....
KewL lead the SPFB team
at 2:18 AM
Mohd Akil