Friday, June 17, 2005
After some adjustments to my blog, now i duno wad to post. Dun haf much idea since there's nothing much that happened recently. maybe i'll post a few new and kewl blades from some brands such as EXEL,ZONE,SPEEDHOC and JOLLY. Check out karhu's new stick at the bottom of my blog too.

Exel's new orange blade. I think its called the Sensor blade or something.

Zone's new pink blade. Duno wadz the name but the grooves at the bottom makes it good for outdoor use.

Speedhoc's pure white blade. Doesn't look reallie nice but i like white blades.

Jolly's new blade. Plain white blade but the first i've seen with holes in them.
Check out sticks from Kronstrand. They are mostly in black but it looks very professional and is designed and manufactured in Sweden unlike other sticks. hehe~ It even has a stick called LEGEND which seems fit for Mr Taugeh. Check out the link below.
KewL lead the SPFB team
at 9:57 PM
Mohd Akil