Monday, July 25, 2005
The deafening cheers of the Mustangs reveberated around the hougang sports hall as they celebrated their 4-1 victory over NP Squirrels. The crowd were amazed and thrilled by the Mustangs pace and tactical superiority over NP Squirrels that some supporters from the NP side could be heard cheering for Mustangs. This could not be helped as rumours have been circulating within the division 2 league fans that Mustangs have the most cute and handsome guys in the league. A player from Mustangs was asked by the match secretary,
Match Secretary: Who's the player no.18?
Mustang Player: Ohh,that gay? He's name is Noor.
Match Secretary: Gay? Noor? *Shocked Face*
Mustang Player: hehehehehehehehe........
The Mustang player's name have been kept secret to ensure anonymity of our sources. We have also received additional info that the 2-goal hero of the Mustangs, Rizal, had left the scene early despite efforts of numerous reporters who were gushing for an interview.
Reporter: Rizal, How do u feel after u scored both splendid goals?
Rizal: Get lost. I've a plane to catch!
Reporter: This would take only a few minutes.
Rizal: **** off!
The serious tone of his voice have lead many reporters to believe that he's an arrogant lad. Many gals who were scrambling for his autograph were left puzzled by his explosive attitude and have taken a slight dislike to his attitude.
Another Mustang player have also been seen leaving early in his shorts as a mob began to appear at the sports hall. It has been reported that the mob were there to take revenge on him as he was a known trouble-maker and he has so far raked up 3 2-min penalties in 2 games. The player has declared in The Blog that he would shake off his bad-boy image in the div2 league this season but it seems that he's words held little meaning. Hopefully, he has reached home safe and sound with his jersey,shorts and body in one piece. :)
Reporter for SPFB.
KewL lead the SPFB team
at 12:05 AM
Mohd Akil