Thursday, June 30, 2005
Been pretty stressed out lately...Considering my future...Thinking of pulling out of my club for my whole academic third year coz i need the time to concentrate a little on my studies and get a little space to breathe. Need time to go to work too coz i earn so little and time to play enjoyable floorball with the sp floorball people. But nvm...I'll think abt tat later.
Aniwae, I'm juz feeling so pissed wif the blardy rat that juz went into the house and made a blardy commotion out of my mum who began scolding everyone else except herself for causing the rat to enter the house. I could still remember the time it happened before and i used my old radical floorball stick to whack it with a dragshot and a slapshot out of my home. That i didnt hit with anger and power caused i juz want it out of my home. Today, luckily, i didnt have a stick in my hand juz a mop to prod it out of the house. Though it is smaller than the one before, this one was more furrier and had a shorter tail. sorta lyk a different species. But if it does come again, i can just imagine grabbing it,squeezing and squashing it with my bare hands till its eyes fall out of its sockets while its body thrashes abt as the blood oozes down my arm. :)
Training with the freshies was pretty ok i guez. firz tym conduct trg wif nuting in mind coz i thought jie hong would be there by 4 which wasnt the case so i told wan to conduct drills after the necessary jogs and sprints. Then the freshie gals came along for trg as well so me and jie hong played some drills with them which turned out into an "ole" fiesta in the end. played a short game with the guys as well which was reallie short coz dzak merely had to dispossess a player and dribble the ball into goal after riduwan juz conceded a free hit. aniwae, turned out pretty fine playing in the rain coz it doesnt reallie destroy the blades much instead it smoothes it sorta lyk a buffering machine. Aniwae, hope u guyz haf some fancy dribbles to show off to the school soon coz there's gonna be a exhibition match in August. Details will be given later.
I am not what I am underneath, It's what I do that defines me. -from Batman Begins.
KewL lead the SPFB team
at 12:36 AM
Mohd Akil
Friday, June 24, 2005
Well, been pretty tired. Tuesday was quite a spoiler coz the flob guys and I went to watch Batman Begins at PS halfway coz of some small electrical fire on the 2nd and third floor. Farhan thought it was some firedrill like in secondary school while Riduwan thought it was some break as tho we were watching some long hindustan movie. The rez of us were pretty kewl taking 2 seats each per person and watch the people move to the back of the cinema. This laid-back attitude of us made sure we were one of the last few to leave the theatre and enjoy the whitish fumes in PS. Further info on this will not be disclosed as pictures of our mini-adventure will soon be uploaded at Riduwan's blog.
Wednesday was pretty tough. Had Moose training which turned into a surprise training friendly against the fit Saints of NUS. Pretty tiring and had a bad overall performance but hafiz and me got a goal each to steady ourselves. Went home only to research and compile plant design till 3am. Coma-ed and Die-ed till couldn't wake up the next day for class and came juz in time to present the research.
Today, basically FYP stuffs. Gonna do line tracing of the plant and literature research on stuffs i haven't learnt yet. Gonna make Gantt Chart for a yr in two weeks time. and one month of year 3 has just passed. Time do fly...
KewL lead the SPFB team
at 1:01 AM
Mohd Akil
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Moosemen Training is back on track once again at NUS starting from this week. If i go for school training on Wednesday and go to Moosemen Training after that, I'll probably won't be alive on Thursday. If i go for school training on saturday morning and go to Moosemen Training after that, I'll end up the same way on Sunday. Aniwae, It's sure gonna be tough juggling trainings with work and school too. Probably gonna go to a training each first and see how it goes. Work is probably gonna be cut out to once a week or probably once in two weeks which is equivalent to earning nothing much. FYP got a little held back today since my lecturer in charge got high fever and won't be back for a few days. Whee~ Let's check my schedule.
Monday: school,den work. Start 10am,End 12am.
Tuesday: school till 4. Free!!!
Wednesday: school den trg. Start 11am, End 11pm.
Thursday: School till 4. Free!!!
Friday: school den Fyp. Start and end is unknown,depends on weeks.
Saturday: Training. Start 12pm to 8pm.
Sunday: Training. 2pm to 8pm.
Weee! Tuesday and Thursday is rilek day! And Tuesday begins Now! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!
KewL lead the SPFB team
at 12:07 AM
Mohd Akil
Sunday, June 19, 2005
For all u folks out there who wanna try a little brain-teaser or just an online game try-out, go and try this game. Petals around the Rose. Don't worry if u can't solve it coz even Bill Gates took abt an hour and a half to solve it. Lucky i took less time than that. :) haha~ haf fun!
Petals Around the Rose
KewL lead the SPFB team
at 1:54 AM
Mohd Akil
Friday, June 17, 2005
After some adjustments to my blog, now i duno wad to post. Dun haf much idea since there's nothing much that happened recently. maybe i'll post a few new and kewl blades from some brands such as EXEL,ZONE,SPEEDHOC and JOLLY. Check out karhu's new stick at the bottom of my blog too.

Exel's new orange blade. I think its called the Sensor blade or something.

Zone's new pink blade. Duno wadz the name but the grooves at the bottom makes it good for outdoor use.

Speedhoc's pure white blade. Doesn't look reallie nice but i like white blades.

Jolly's new blade. Plain white blade but the first i've seen with holes in them.
Check out sticks from Kronstrand. They are mostly in black but it looks very professional and is designed and manufactured in Sweden unlike other sticks. hehe~ It even has a stick called LEGEND which seems fit for Mr Taugeh. Check out the link below.
KewL lead the SPFB team
at 9:57 PM
Mohd Akil
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
For trainings on wednesdays, I will not be present on odd weeks coz i'll be working. However, on even weeks i'll be present for physical training. Saturdays and Sundays i'll alwaez be present except for the coming 26th coz i haf religious class exam which i can't skip since i've postponed it b4.
Just a moment of thought....
Someone: If u haf one wish in this world, what would u want?
Me: Limitless energy for floorball and studies. Coz all i do in life now is these two stuffs.
Someone: *moment of silence* *mumbles fast*
Me: What is it again?
Someone: I wanted to ask u another question but i dun want to now.
Me: Huh? What is it? Trick question? I answered wrongly juz now?
Someone: Ermmm...nothing...juz nothing...
Me: ok.
Someone: Nvm. Juz something that struck my mind.
Me: ok. *blur-ed*
Juz wondering wad question was that abt when i had a conversation with that person. Coz it seemed pretty weird. Nvm lahz. My mind's tired aniwae. I wanna go sleep now. Ciaoz~
KewL lead the SPFB team
at 1:32 AM
Mohd Akil
Monday, June 13, 2005
Well, My comp is back to normal once again so i'm back to blog again~ Well, I'm getting tired of blogging as fast as my comp starts going crazy lyk alwaez. Ever since the first tym my blog went down, my desire to blog began to fade away wif it. So, i'll blog only when i haf some free tym or when i got nuting else better to do ahz k?
First things first, I would like to thank all SPFB senior players for electing me as captain to lead u guys towards this coming IIVP. I hope all of u are happy with the result and cooperate with me. All i want to see from u guys is committment and teamwork including the team spirit that have kept us strong as a team in every training or friendly. I believe that we,as a team, can achieve honours this season and hopefully increase the standard of SP Floorball as a whole. FORZA SP!
Mohd Akil
KewL lead the SPFB team
at 11:09 PM
Mohd Akil